Tuesday, December 15, 2009


It's hard to believe but research papers, and finals week came and went in a flurry of activity. Today faculty turned in semester grades. The campus is silent and cold (the windchills here have been in the teens).

So Winter Break is here! Hannukah and Christmas and Kwanzaa and all the other festivities that one might wish to celebrate. It is a time to celebrate life, and cherish the life we have, and those whom we love.

Before you know it, boisterous voices and smiling faces will be filling the halls again and things will come back to life here at Rockhurst. Earth goes through her cycles of rest and recreation.

May your holiday season be filled with holy days and spiritual moments.

Dan the Doc

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sounds Like a Plan to Me!

One of the signs of vitality is growth. Rockhurst University has a vision for growth in multiple areas, but the physical dimension gives concrete expression to the inner driving spirit. Rockhurst has a new proposed plan for growth that meets the needs of students, faculty and the local community.

Matt Heinrich, the Associate VP for Facilities and Technology just sent us this communiqué.

“After compiling the initial feedback, our architectural and engineering consulting team began to develop plans for the future of our campus. Along the way we had conversations with our surrounding neighborhood groups where we were all challenged to listen and understand, and to work together toward creating plans that will best serve the needs of our learning community and the greater community surrounding us. The result is a dynamic plan that is creating energy and enthusiasm among students, neighbors and the planning team. We believe that Rockhurst can play a vital role in revitalizing the Troost Avenue corridor.

You can view a preliminary plan drawing at http://www.rockhurst.edu/audience/commun/relations/masterplan.asp that shows what the central part of campus will look like. While this general concept has been approved, the architects continue to work on details and flesh out the concept. In addition to what you see in the drawing, two mixed-use parking garages with retail on the ground floor facing Troost Avenue will be constructed just north of Rockhurst Road and just south of 54th Street. We hope to soon post a map that shows the complete plan.

The timetable for beginning these projects is contingent on raising the appropriate funds to start construction. Plans for this are under way. We have created a phased plan that will allow us to work on buildings in order of critical need. At this time we anticipate the first phase to consist of: 1.) Parking garage and retail space on the northeast corner of Rockhurst Road and Troost 2.) New academic building 3.) Renovation of Sedgwick Hall 4.) New residence hall.”

So Rockhurst has plans for the future; come and be part of them.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pizza with Pizzazz

Last night our Department of Theology & Religious Studies had its social pizza party for prospective majors and minors. It’s that time of year when lots of departments promote themselves. As of last we possibly gained five new majors who now have to do the paper work and officially declare. Presently, we have 14 officially declared majors and 50 minors.

Many of our majors have a double major. One new one candidate, is even trying to do a quadruple major! At Rockhurst University because we run a Liberal Arts College it’s easy to graduate with a double major.

This time of year is also when we promote our Honor Societies. There are lots of groups to join.

Check out our catalog! http://www.rockhurst.edu/registrar/catalog/index.asp

Monday, October 12, 2009

My Oh Maya 2012

Perhaps you’ve heard the hype that the Mayan Calendar “predicts” the end of the world in 2012. Well, the actuality is some non-Mayan thinkers influenced by Western civilization are foisting their worldview and presumptions upon a culture which entertained no such thoughts. In fact, the Mayan Calendar in actuality “talks” about the date 4772, long past the supposed apocalyptic end of the world (2012) as interpreted by some Western speculators. See this link.

One of the things we do at Rockhurst University is require our students to take a Global Perspectives Requirement which immerses them in a non-American cultural perspective. It is essential that students recognize the danger of presuming everyone thinks like they do and holds to the same worldviews and ideologies. Healthy international dialogue, exchange, and global peace cannot exist if various parties fail to understand where the other is coming from, and what actual differences do exist, rather than supposed agreements and/or disagreements.

Rockhurst University supports a strong international perspective in courses as diverse as biology, economics, psychology, history, music, political science, business, english, management, and theology just to name a few. Check us out: http://www.rockhurst.edu/

Friday, September 25, 2009

Booked Solid

Well I'm a bit late in getting this blog out. Why? because after fifteen years of research and two years of writing (in spurts) I'm finally finished my book on feminine images of God used by saints of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. The book is pretty hefty because its so comprehensive canvassing writers from the first century through the twentieth. The texts were originally written in Syriac, Greek, Armenian, Latin, Italian, Spanish, French, and German. It took me quite awhile to translate them all. I just sent the prospectus out to the publisher yesterday and now begins the wait to see if my top pick publisher is interested.

Part of being a professor at Rockhurst University is doing scholarship. Our main focus is on teaching: communicating knowledge and fostering practical learning. Our second focus is on scholarship: advancing knowledge and fostering academic learning. Our third focus is on service: applying knowledge and fostering experiential learning. The whole enterprise is about the transformative and life-creating power of knowledge and wisdom. All three feed into one another and sustain one another. This Liberal Arts approach empowers a person to become a well-rounded and well-balanced person.

Well the buzzer went off this morning and woke me up. In the dream I was having at the moment, I was looking at myself laying in bed, DREAMING about getting more sleep. I think my body and psyche is telling me something! I'm looking forward to a nice long sleep in this Saturday morning, that's if our six year old daughter doesn't wake me/us up early.

Check out our Liberal Arts program at the Rock.



Thursday, September 10, 2009

Test, Testing, Tested, but not Teased

My students probably don't realize this, but I get nervous about the first test as well. Why? because I want them to do well and I wonder if I did a good enough job when prepping them for it. I try to make things as clear and up front as possible. They even have all six essay questions right up front. Don't panic, I only pick two essays out of the six, but they never know which two I'll pick. Then there's multiple choice; I try not to have any trick or misleading questions. I even try to throw in funny and ridiculous answers to help break their tension, all the time holding them to high standards.

But tests can be stressful for some people. That's why I break down all the semester's information into four tests, all bearing equal weight with no comprehensive final. In case, somebody doesn't do well on one test, they have three other opportunities. (Today and tomorrow all four of my classes have their first test.)

Rockhurst also has a Learning Center with great staff: students and hired professionals, who can help you improve your study habits and prep for tests. We also have a Counseling Center for stress management and that has ways to diagnose if you have some challenges that require a doctor's help whether with appropriate medication for anxiety or hyperactivity, or the need for extended test time in a quiet environment.

Bottom line, at Rockhurst University we're all here to help you do the best that you can do. We set high, yet attainable, goals and "push you" to achieve those goals, to learn new skills, and hone ones you already have.

Basically all of life is a test. How will you respond in this situation? How will you solve this problem? How will you innovate and improve on that?

Check us out, as well as our Learning and Counseling Centers.



Thursday, August 27, 2009

Juggling Life

Ok, watch this video (below) of an amazing female gymnast doing a floor exercise and catching and throwing a ball with either her hands or feet or legs and doing gymnastic tumbling all at the same time. Pretty cool stuff, if not downright awesome.

That kinda depicts my life, not that I’m that co-ordinated and graceful when juggling things in life, but it gives you a good impression of what it’s like being a professor. I teach of course, trying to foster learning in and out of the classroom. I chat with students who drop in. I serve on committees, two to be exact: I chair the Information Technology Committee and I serve as Modal Rep on the Core Implementation Committee that decides which courses should be given Core status in the university. I’m also the mentor of the Theta Alpha Kappa Honor Society for Theology and Religious Studies. Besides that I keep up a scholarly career of publishing about one to two articles per year and giving workshop lectures. I’m involved in the everyday university life and lots of behind the scenes things.

But when it comes to juggling I’m also a husband and a father. Because my wife runs a British style preschool and is thus tied down, I take our daughter to doctor’s appointments and run her to ballet practice. Every late afternoon/evening I come home and cook dinner because the daycare runs til 5:30. And then of course we have family time and activities and I have to keep up the house and yard and run errands etc.

So, you get the picture. Life is juggling. Some do it better than others. At Rockhurst University we help in-coming freshmen adapt to college life and learn how to juggle classes and activities. Rockhurst it a great place to be. Check us out.http://www.rockhurst.edu/

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Rook & Rock: Don't Eat Crow

Perhaps growing up your heard Aesop's Fable about the crow that put rocks in a pitcher to get to inaccessible water that was in sight. The crow dropped in rocks to raise the water level so he could finally get a drink. (There are variations on the story.) Turns out that fable might have had more truth in it than originally thought. For the modern science experiment of a rook gaining access to floating food, and the video, click the links below.

So, are you smarter than a crow? Actually, the experiment was done with rooks, birds related to crows, and in ancient Greece they were all called by the same name. Here at Rockhurst University we'll teach you how to drop rocks into a seemingly bottomless pit so that your goals rise to the top within your reach. So what can we learn from the rook besides good moves for checkmate? The rook assessed the situation, looked at available resources, strategized and then executed a plan to achieve its desired goal. That's basically what life is all about. We have a goal and then need to figure out how to attain that goal, even when it seems to be out of our reach. A solid foundation in the Liberal Arts at Rockhurst University supplies people with the necessary rocks to fill in the void and raise the level, the playing field. We also equip you with the tools to utilize when you have strategized a plan. If the first hypothesis doesn't work, back to the drawing board and figure out what went wrong and how to improve.

Of course, at Rockhurst, being a Catholic and Jesuit university we also factor in the spiritual dimension as important and vital to a well-rounded human existence.

So why not drop a rock in the bucket and check out Rockhurst? Our Rockview is coming up October 11-12. http://www.rockhurst.edu/admission/topnav/visit/index.asp

For info on the Rook experiment read this article and then see the videoclip.



Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Texted to the Limit

Okay, well this morning I'm going to sound off. I'm driving into work at 6:30 AM and I make a right turn on a green light and about forty feet past the crosswalk I nearly hit a lady. What was she doing? Standing in the middle of the road. "Standing there doing what?" (Glad you asked.) She was standing there texting! I quickly slammed on the brakes and swerved at the same time. She looked up, stunned, and had an expression on her face like: What the hell are you doing? I was already giving her one of those looks as well, and then she realized, Oh, I'm just standing here in the middle of a main road texting, aren't I?

I know texting is all the rage, has been for quite awhile. But for goodness sakes, please be conscious of your surroundings when you text! It's even come out on the news recently how studies show that texting while driving is more dangerous than drinking and driving. In fact, your chances of having an accident are 23% higher than normal and usually lead to fatalities. http://abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=8187813

Texting in the classroom isn't a good thing to do either. You pay good money to get an education and participate in class discussions, so you can't do that very well if you're texting during class. Rockhurst University is all for technology in the classroom (http://help.rockhurst.edu/), but not that type.

Anyhow, driver beware. There might be somebody standing in the middle of the road, totally oblivious to everything else, because they're texting! And . . . it'll be YOUR fault that you hit them: involuntary vehicular manslaughter.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Chillin' in the Blazin' Heat

Well I’m back from vacation, if you could call it that. It seemed more exhausting than relaxing! Of course, since being back it’s been non-stop. We’re already wrapping up our second week of the five week summer program. Before you know it, it’ll be Fall semester already. Last I heard, we have 412 students in the in-coming class—that’s a lot of names to memorize! Thankfully, in one sense, my three classes are maxed out and that only means 85 students, a few of whom I had in the introductory class I teach. This Fall I’m doing TH 1000 Christianity I: Foundations, TH 3000 Christianity II: Development, and TH 4020 Gospel of John and Epistles. And I’ll have a new batch of advisees as well.

The summer’s just flying along. Hope you’re enjoying your time off. If you’re just chillin' and killin' time, check out our website http://www.rockhurst.edu/

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Destination Disney

There comes a time when all dreams must come true. Next week we go to Florida to visit my parents who live in Ft. Myers, are there for a week, and then we're off to Disney World! My six year old daughter as well as my wife are totally excited--I'm not sure which one claims the prize for being the most excited. Even while she was pregnant, my wife dreamed of the day when we would go to Disney World. Should be a good time, of course, as a guy I'm thinking about the more practical matters of lodging, food, walking, weather, being the pack mule, etc. But I'm planning to get some enjoyment time in as well.

So "Dreams come true." Obviously one of yours has been going off to college, being on your own, maybe meeting the right guy or gal, having a blast, getting a good eductaion so you can land the job of your dreams, etc. While Rockhurst University is nothing compared to Disney World, we do have our own set of characters: faculty and staff who can be funny, charming, engaging, perhaps showing a crack in the armor at times, but nonetheless endearing. We have no Magic Kingdom but the science labs can be an adventure in themselves and you'll learn how to pull off some pretty cool experiments. Every year there's the Haunted Science Lab that creates some pretty scarey stuff as well as mind-boggling visual effects. And we have no Animal Kingdom (unless you count the dorms and their inhabitants), but in biology you'll learn about all sorts of neat creatures. And then of course there's Epcot Center, and Rockhurst can boast its own World Cultures Day fair put on by our very own faculty, staff, and students from around the globe, as well as those learning foreign languages. There's music, food, displays, costumes; Did I mention food sampling? While we don't have anything approaching Hollywood Studios we do have a great Theatre program that puts on numerous productions throughout the year and pulls off some pretty cool effects. Did I mention free food and rock concerts and carnivals at Rockhurst?

So while Rockhurst University is not Disney World, it can be a place where your dreams can come true. Check out our website. It can't hurt. http://www.rockhurst.edu/ And like Disney World, we do try to get education across in a creative way. But seriously, Rockhurst University is no theme park, but the theme we DO have running throughout the whole campus is transformative and life-giving education enabling you to make your dreams come true.

Hope you have an awesome summer (and aren't like those poor kids in southern CA stuck in school until mid-August because some administrators couldn't count to 180!) We do know how to count to 180 and beyond, at Rockhurst. No five minute fiasco here, just a time of your life.

PS We are big enough to have a map of all the locations on our university grounds. :-)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Summer Trips & Detours

Well it's summertime. Summer classes are in session and various groups are here for summer camp at Rockhurst University. So what are you doing this summer? How 'bout taking a trip to check out Rockhurst? It could be a day trip, or a stop while you're on to some place else. Sure you're just goin' to be a senior next year, but before ya know it, it'll be time to send out applications in the Fall. Ee gads, that's right! You can start applying for college as soon as late Fall. So when are ya gonna get all those trips booked in to check out schools? Now's a perfect opportunity to talk Mom & Dad into taking a trip to KC which has lots of fun things to do. And while you're in KC, drop by campus. Of course, it's always best to contact us ahead of time and set up a personalized tour of the place.

And of course, like those blasted roads that are down to one lane due to improvements, there might be some things torn up on campus to make improvements while the swarms of students are away. But isn't that what summer is all about? Detours? So make a detour to the Rock.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Five Senior Gold Medalists !!!!!

Every year Rockhurst University awards the Senior Gold Medal to the student who has had the highest GPA for four years, including the graduating semester. This year was a first: we had five, yes FIVE students who tied for the Medal by earning a cumulative GPA of 4.0. The honorees are (pictured from left to right) Andrea Therese Essner, B.A., Megan Nickels Rogge, B.S., Liam Alexander Higgins, B.A., Amanda Allyn Ross, B.S. in Business Administration, and Nicholas Andrew Schneider, B.S. Totally awesome, guys!!!

I’m particularly proud of Andrea Essner and Liam Higgins who are both Theology and Religious Studies majors. Andrea will be spending the next two years in Nicaragua as a part of the Jesuit Volunteer International Program working with children and adults who have disabilities. Then she plans to go on for a Masters in Theology. Liam will be pursuing a Masters of Theological Studies at Harvard having been awarded a full scholarship. Kudos!

Not only does a Jesuit education set high standards for academic achievement and development of the whole person, the experience at Rockhurst University empowers people to be transformed and strive to reach their fullest potential. These five gold medalists are living proof that Rockhurst provides the environment in which students can excel. Not everyone can be a gold medalist, but every student at Rockhurst is given the opportunity to be the best that they can be. Kudos to all of our graduates for having attained their goals and now following the rest of their dreams!!!

And finally, even though we had ten Theology & Religious Studies majors in all—each outstanding in his or her own way--I have to mention another Theology Major: Christopher Shaver who was the class Valedictorian. Chris graduated with a triple major: B.A. in Theology, B.S. in Mathematics, and a B.S. in Business Administration. He will teach math and theology at Regis High School in Denver as part of the Alum Service Corps.

It was an awesome class of 2009; I’ll miss them. Check Rockhurst out and become part of the awesome class of 2014!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rockhurst University Nationally Recognized

One of the goals of Rockhurst is Excellence in Education. Though not always appreciated, technology in its many forms is essential for education. Well our very own Rockhurst University Computer Services has been nationally recognized as a Laureate by the Computerworld Honors Program. For over twenty years Computerworld Honors has awarded people and institutions for using information technology to benefit society.

Well this year Rockhurst is being acknowledged for its implementation of the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure which is efficient, green, and cost effective. Computer Services will also receive this award for other green technology it has integrated. Rockhurst’s motto to “make God’s good world better,” inspired by our Jesuit ideals, can be lived out in all sectors of the university.

Kudos Computer Services for applying Jesuit social justice to technology in the classroom and campuswide! Your rock! Thanks for being part of the transformational experience and modeling our mission and vision.

For more on this Global Information Technology Award click here http://help.rockhurst.edu/node/139

Friday, April 17, 2009

On Your Honor

This past Wednesday night we inducted thirteen new members into TAK (Theta Alpha Kappa) Theology and Religious Studies Honor Society. To join you need 12 hours of TH/RS taken at Rockhurst, have a GPA of 3.5% in those classes, at least an overall Rockhurst GPA of 3.0%. Our local chapter is part of National Honor Society. Members received a certificate and red honor cords. Induction took place during our regular pizza party and departmental social.

Being part of an Honor Society looks good on your college resumé when you want to get a job or go onto grad school. There are thirteen Honor Societies here at Rockhurst University and you can join more than one.

Here’s a link to what Rockhurst has to offer regarding Honor Societies.
http://www.rockhurst.edu/registrar/catalog/images/RUCatalog0810.pdf SEARCH PAGE 44.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Well this is Greek week at the Rock. The sororities and fraternities are taking in new pledges. This morning there was a campus-wide hunt for the hidden flag. People received a set of clues in code to try to solve the mystery. Because I know a lot of languages one guy hit me up for help in deciphering. Some of it looked like it was in German, some in Danish, some in Spanish, but none of it made any readily discernible sense. I had to quick get some things done so I wasn’t much help. Of cpourse today is April Fools so there's no telling if the clue sheet was even a REAL clue sheet.

But anyhow, Rockhurst University has an active Greek life and it’s a great way to connect with others and be involved in all sorts of service projects, outreaches, and just fun times. Check us out.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Scholarly Achievement

As a former recipient of the Daniel L Brenner Scholarly Achievement Award I’ve been asked to serve on this year’s committee to evaluate the scholarly works of my colleagues who have been nominated for this year’s award. The committee makes a recommendation to the President of the University and the recipient’s name is announced at the faculty dinner where s/he receives a $1,000 honorarium.

As a Jesuit institution of higher learning, Rockhurst University is dedicated to excellence in many fields. Every year faculty members must provide an Annual Update in which they list and reflect upon three areas vital to the transformative enterprise of Learning, Leadership, and Service in the Jesuit Tradition. Faculty report on their activities in Teaching, Scholarship, and Service. As a dynamic institution we always seek ways to improve, to strive for magis (more or the greater part) as the Jesuits say. Faculty, in turn, try to inspire in students this sense of magis, of always striving for excellence: what is good, what is wholesome, what is life-giving.


Friday, February 27, 2009

Worth It!

My daughter is almost 6 yrs old and is at the stage where she asks what words mean when she doesn’t understand—which is great. Just recently she asked, “Daddy, what does ‘worth’ mean?” Good question! Sometimes it’s hard to explain concepts so I told her, “Let’s say you have $5 and want to buy ice cream” (no brainer there!). “One store sells a box for $2.50 and another has the same thing on sale for $1.00.” (She’s already good with math so she figured that one out quickly.) “I can get more for my money at the one store than at the other,” she replied. I said, “Well worth sometimes deals with quantity, how much you get.”

Then I said, but that’s not all worth deals with. “Okay, you still have $5 and you want to buy balloons.” Her eyes lit up. “With $5 you can get 5 balloons filled up with regular air, or get two Mylar balloons filled with helium. Which do you want?” “The two Mylar balloons,” she quipped. I asked, “Why?” “Because they last longer silly!” she replied. “Aha, so worth can also mean quality, how good a thing is, how long it lasts.”

Well, a college education is like that. In these hard economic times we all definitely want to stretch our dollar and get the most bang for our buck. But sometimes there’s more bang and noise than any real substantive fireworks that illuminate our mind’s eye. Some fireworks shows look great at first but then quickly fizzle away in our memory even though they had lots of smaller rockets going off with lots of bang. Yet some fireworks displays create a lasting impression because of the spectacular light show, even though overall they had less rockets and boom. Some shows even co-ordinate music with them, and of course, the setting plays a role as well.

Well a Jesuit education at Rockhurst University integrates a lot into the formative experience. Our location in Kansas City provides students with an excellent setting in which to put into practice what they learn whether through service projects or internships etc. There are a lot of local resources you can tap into. Furthermore, while a Jesuit education costs more than some other places, its enduring value and formative experience outweigh the flash and bang of state colleges. Jesuit education is time-tested and has endured for four centuries that have seen massive social changes. It’s hard to explain the worth of a Rockhurst education, but by comparing it to other "brands" you eventually see and appreciate its lasting value. At Rockhurst you get quantity as well as quality. Not only that, as the MasterCard add goes, some things are priceless. The transformative mission of Rockhurst University, forming men and women for others, is priceless. It provides meaning to education, rather than just an exercise in jumping through hoops to eventually land a job.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tested and Approved

Sorry I’m a bit late. This week I’ve been grading students’ tests. I have three classes. The way I organize the semester, I break it down into four equal parts with four tests worth the same amount of points. This helps distribute the information into smaller blocks as well as gives students the opportunity to bounce back if they didn’t do as well as they wanted on a particular test. We also have a research paper due.

Anyhow, all of this got me to thinking. Here at Rockhurst University a lot of the instructors are quite willing to help you do well on the tests by answering questions you might have. I let people shoot me an e-mail and I respond back as quickly as I can. Some drop in my office when they want something clarified, or I even read over prep essays that they have written out. Here at the Rock we’re into personal attention and putting the student first. You’re unlikely to get such personalized attention and help on prepping for a test at a big state school, like you would at Rockhurst. This is all part of cura personalis –care for the whole person – that is part of Jesuit education.

We also have a great Learning Center that helps students. You can get free help with tutoring, study strategies, and writing. Check it out: http://www.rockhurst.edu/services/learning/index.asp

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Back in the Saddle

Well, I’m back in the saddle again teaching. I enjoy the excitement of the students. It’s good to be back in the classroom after being on sabbatical last semester. I still have a lot to wrap up from my project, but I look forward to meeting new people and reconnecting with former students who signed up for me again in more advanced classes.

I’ve also gotten the chance to speak with students I knew who are now planning for graduate studies and anxiously waiting to hear about acceptance into grad school.

I suppose there’s a sense of anticipation in the air, looking forward to Spring, to new opportunities, to the new presidency etc. If you’re remotely thinking about checking out Rockhurst University, why don’t ya sign up for Rockview which is March 1-2. It’ll be a fun weekend. Check us out. http://www.rockhurst.edu/admission/events/rockview/index.asp

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Undergrad Publishes in Prestigious Journal

One of the great benefits of attending a private school like Rockhurst University is the one-on-one contact you’ll receive with your professors. Case in point, one of the students who had been in some of my classes received a Deans’ Summer Research Fellowship. Andrea Essner chose to research feminine imagery of God as employed in late Medieval English texts. I served as her mentor, directing her research of both primary and secondary literature. We met several times over the course of this past summer to discuss her findings and to propose a thesis statement for the paper she would write. My goal was to have her submit this as an article for publication in a scholarly journal. Andrea felt daunted by the task, but I knew she could do it.

It’s not often that undergraduates get to publish in journals that people with Ph.D.s compete with one another to get into. Andrea plans to go onto grad school and so I thought this was a perfect opportunity to prep her for that in a more focused way and hone her research and writing skills. (We do give students planning to go onto grad school a lot of mentoring here at Rockhurst.) Well, Andrea’s article was so good that upon her first submission it was accepted! Many times you might need to submit an article to one place, get rejected, and then submit it elsewhere until it’s finally accepted. Anyhow, Andrea’s article, “God as Mother in Post-Black Death English Mystical Texts,” will very shortly appear in Magistra (Winter 2008): 14.2. I’m quite proud of her!

If you attend a state college, you’re very unlikely to get such one-on-one mentoring with a faculty member; you can be lost in a sea of thousands of students.

To find out more about our personal Jesuit educational approach click here: http://www.rockhurst.edu/about/distinction/index.asp
For info on Rockhurst University’s Faculty scholarship and mentoring click here: http://www.rockhurst.edu/about/distinction/faculty.asp