Monday, May 23, 2011

Graduating to the Next Level

Well it's that time of year when students graduate and go off into the great beyond.  For many, it truly is going beyond, beyond their previous confines, comfort levels, accomplishments.  One student of mine, Andew Wessling, who is a cool and zany guy, is entering into the Master's Program at Creighton University, a fellow Jesuit institute, and will be part of the Magis Program.  Magis is the Latin word for "more" that encapsulates the Jesuit ideal of continuing growth in excellence.  Andrew, while pursuing his Masters in Education, will be working at a Catholic high school in South Dakota on an Indian Reservation, serving as an English teacher and soccer coach.

The spirit of magis and cura personalis, care for the whole person, pervades the student experience at Rockhurst University.  A Rockhurst education is not an end in itself but a door to new beginnings and continued development.  Check out how our program can prepare you to realize your future dreams.

All the best to all of our graduates!


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