News from the hole; seems like I’m crawling out of one! This summer since being back from a two week vacation visiting family in England, I’ve been teaching the 2nd summer session. It’s a five week intensive version of the regular 14 week long semester course. I’ve also been working on my application (a huge portfolio) for promotion to the highest academic rank, that of Professor; I’m presently an Associate Professor.
Every year each faculty member must file an annual report, specifying what had been accomplished during the previous year regarding teaching, scholarship, and service. This is so one can reflect upon one’s academic work, and think of ways in which to improve. The annual report is a method of self-assessment. The faculty at Rockhurst University are deeply committed to teaching, scholarship, and service. In my applying for promotion it has allowed me to reflect on the past five years and all that I have accomplished, as well as all of the goals I set before myself. This July I was also made Chair of the Department of Theology and Religious Studies for the next three years. The future is quite exciting and will afford me many opportunities to serve our students, especially majors.
So now I need to return to working on my application, my “doc.” In the meantime, why don’t you check out what my department has to offer, as well as Rockhurst University.
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