One of the signs of vitality is growth. Rockhurst University has a vision for growth in multiple areas, but the physical dimension gives concrete expression to the inner driving spirit. Rockhurst has a new proposed plan for growth that meets the needs of students, faculty and the local community.
Matt Heinrich, the Associate VP for Facilities and Technology just sent us this communiqué.
“After compiling the initial feedback, our architectural and engineering consulting team began to develop plans for the future of our campus. Along the way we had conversations with our surrounding neighborhood groups where we were all challenged to listen and understand, and to work together toward creating plans that will best serve the needs of our learning community and the greater community surrounding us. The result is a dynamic plan that is creating energy and enthusiasm among students, neighbors and the planning team. We believe that Rockhurst can play a vital role in revitalizing the Troost Avenue corridor.
You can view a preliminary plan drawing at http://www.rockhurst.edu/audience/commun/relations/masterplan.asp that shows what the central part of campus will look like. While this general concept has been approved, the architects continue to work on details and flesh out the concept. In addition to what you see in the drawing, two mixed-use parking garages with retail on the ground floor facing Troost Avenue will be constructed just north of Rockhurst Road and just south of 54th Street. We hope to soon post a map that shows the complete plan.
The timetable for beginning these projects is contingent on raising the appropriate funds to start construction. Plans for this are under way. We have created a phased plan that will allow us to work on buildings in order of critical need. At this time we anticipate the first phase to consist of: 1.) Parking garage and retail space on the northeast corner of Rockhurst Road and Troost 2.) New academic building 3.) Renovation of Sedgwick Hall 4.) New residence hall.”
So Rockhurst has plans for the future; come and be part of them.
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