Well today is Baccalaureate, my favorite event. It has lots of pomp and celebration and an informal reception afterwards. That's the part I like most: the food--jk. While the finger food is good, the opportunity to see graduating seniors one on one and get photos taken etc, that's the real event. Tomorrow is Commencement, and while that's nice in its own way, it's such a BIG production with hundreds of people, there's no real opportunity for the more friendly exchange. Anyhow kudos to the graduating class!
I'll be in England for the next two weeks, visiting my wife's Dad and some relatives. Then I'm back in the swing of things teaching two summer courses, so I'll let you in on what it's like during the summer, (besides hot and sweaty). And if you're thinking about summer classes, better sign up soon. BTW, they're cheaper in the summer than in the Fall and Spring.
Until then . . .
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